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Transforming gummy smiles: Treatment options with clear aligners

In Part 1, we explored the causes and diagnosis of gummy smiles.

Now, in Part 2, we'll delve into the various treatment options available. These include orthodontic solutions like clear aligners, as well as ortho-restorative and surgical approaches.

Woman displaying a gummy smile

Orthodontic Solutions

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, ClearCorrect, SureSmile, Spark and Angel Aligners, can be an effective treatment for gummy smiles, especially when the cause is related to dental or soft tissue issues. They work by gradually repositioning the teeth, which can reduce gingival display by:

  • Correcting Passive Dental Eruption: Aligners can help reposition teeth to their proper height, reducing the amount of gum tissue that shows when smiling.

  • Adjusting the Occlusal Plane: By altering the bite and occlusal relationships, aligners can improve the overall smile aesthetics.

Clear aligners are particularly appealing due to their discreet appearance and the convenience of being removable. It is however worth being aware, that the least predivtible movements with clear aligners are intrusions and extrusions. Especially when the anterior teeth are to be intruded or extruded more than 3 millimeters it should be considered using fixed appliances instead.

Ortho-Restorative Solutions

Surgical Correction of Gingival Margins

For cases where excessive gum tissue is the primary issue, surgical correction of the gingival margins can be an effective treatment. This procedure, often performed by a periodontist, involves reshaping the gum line to achieve a more balanced smile. When combined with orthodontic treatment, the results can be optimised, as the teeth and gums are both adjusted to create a harmonious appearance.

Clear aligner treatment in combination with a laser correction of the gum line and incisal edge bonding

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is another surgical option that can reduce a gummy smile. This procedure involves removing excess gum tissue and sometimes bone to expose more of the tooth's surface. It's often used in conjunction with orthodontic treatments and restorative procedues to ensure that the teeth are properly aligned and that the gum line is aesthetically pleasing.

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Non-Orthodontic Solutions

Botox Injections

Botox injections can be used to reduce the activity of the muscles that elevate the upper lip. By injecting Botox into the muscles responsible for upper lip elevation, the amount of gum exposed when smiling can be minimized. This is a temporary solution, typically lasting 3-6 months, and may need to be repeated for sustained results. Changing the lip dynamics with botox may however influence the long term stability of the tooth position and the smile appearance over time.

Lip Repositioning Surgery

Lip repositioning surgery is a technique-sensitive procedure that can help reduce the gingival display by altering the position and movement of the upper lip. This surgery involves repositioning the lip to cover more of the gums when smiling. While effective, it carries a risk of inducing asymmetries in the patient's face, making it crucial to select an experienced surgeon.

Orthognathic Surgery

For severe cases with skeletal causes, orthognathic surgery may be necessary. This involves repositioning the maxilla to a more ideal location. It's a more invasive option, typically reserved for cases where less invasive treatments are insufficient. The results can be highly effective, creating a balanced and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Conclusions on gummy smiles

Treating gummy smiles requires a comprehensive approach, considering both the underlying causes and the best available treatment options. Whether using orthodontic solutions like clear aligners or combining them with surgical and non-surgical methods, achieving the desired outcome involves careful planning and execution.

Stay tuned for more insights and tips on achieving realistic, safe and predictable results with clear aligners.

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Jesper Hatt DDS smiling to the camera


Dentist, co-founder & business advisor

Jesper Hatt DDS

Phone: +41 78 268 0078

AlignerService helps dentists create realistic, safe and predictable treatment plans with clear aligners.

Currently, we help1500 dental practices in 19 different countries. AlignerService is a preferred partner of ClearCorrect.

In addition AlignerService clear aligner experts work with Invisalign, SureSmile, TrioClear, Angel Aligners and Spark.


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